What’s the Deal with Columbia University?

1One of the oldest institutions in northeast is Columbia University in New York. To be more specific, there are only four other universities in the country are older. It was founded as an Anglican institution in 1754 by a charter issued by King George the First, the university was first known as King’s College and after the American Revolution that took place thirty years later changed its name to the Columbia University. The school was a school even before the United States was officially a country. When first established, the school had a different name. In 1754, it was called King’s College.


The current campus has been located in Manhattan’s Central Quadrangle since 1897. Since Columbia laid roots in its current uptown location, the university has grown exponentially. There are less than ten Ivy League schools in all the US, and Columbia is one of them. Some of the other schools that have the honor of being part of the Ivy League are Princeton University and Cornell University. Known for being the elite of educational institutions, they teach some of the smartest minds in the world. Of the 144 colleges and universities in the state of New York, it is considered to be the very best, along with fellow Ivy Leaguer Cornell University.


The races, ethnicities, and financial backgrounds of the Columbia University students make it one of the most diverse universities in America. Some of Columbia’s advanced programs offer graduate degrees. Columbia graduate programs are various, as they offer programs specializing in medicine, dentistry and law. Greek life, campus radio stations, and countless clubs offer students the chance to branch out and get to know each other while still focusing on their education. As part of the NCAA, they even have over 25 athletic programs. The school even has one of the most well known orchestras in the USA. The school has also taken serious steps in leading the way in anti-racism protests and campaigns.


The construction of many of the university’s buildings is something else they can hang their hat on. Several structures including the Low Library and St. Paul’s Cathedral are considered “must-see’s” my most of the school’s visitors. Visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_arts to find out more about visual arts.


There are only a handful of colleges and universities more difficult to attend. Many of the finest minds in science, business and finance have been students and Columbia internship at Columbia. President’s Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt and Barack Obama are some of the noted political alumni.


In Manhattan, there is never a lack of activities. You can find anything in the town this school resides. The Big Apple has it all.


If you’re looking for a great education, a great atmosphere, and a great overall experience, you have few options greater than Columbia. Come by plane, train or automobile if you want to tour this prestigious university. Coming to Columbia might be the greatest experience of your life.

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